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Elena Carvajal (EL CORRALITO x TNT)

Saturday September 28th at 17 h

📍 El Corralito
(see location on the map)

4 euros

Photo: ©Émile Barret

El Corralito CCA has been supporting emerging creators in Terrassa since 2015 by offering a space for young artists who still don’t know (or choose not to know) exactly where they are headed. Working from self-management and the circular economy, El Corralito hopes to be a starting point, or at least a place from which progress means more than a simple roll of the dice.

Its association with the TNT began in 2020, and each year it supports two or three creative processes that are presented as part of the festival. The selection is based on three criteria. One, they are pieces by creators with little experience (which goes back to the idea of ​dice). Two, they are growing projects, that can benefit from a summer residency at El Corralito. And three, they relate to the thematic or methodological urgencies that in one way or another connect the pieces on show at each edition of the TNT.

About Mucha mierda (Elena Caravajal) it might be best to say nothing because its creator prefers to play with anonymity. And not any kind of anonymity. If you have ever had to play the part of a tree in a play, you’ll understand perfectly what we’re talking about. This show’s creator has a master’s degree in tree performance. And perhaps, while everyone’s eyes were on Romeo and Juliet as they swore eternal love, you may have spotted her hidden away in the background playing a birch tree, a cockroach or a remote control. But the most invisible roles can also be the most fun.

Creation and interpretation: Elena Carvajal
Accompaniment: Fran Martínez i Rosana S. Rufete
Lighting design: Laura Iturralde
Scenography: Neus Masdeu i Elena Carvajal


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