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María Jurado (EL CORRALITO x TNT)

Friday September 27th at 17:30 + at 20:30 h

📍 El Corralito
(see location on the map)

60 min
4 euros

El Corralito CCA has been supporting emerging creators in Terrassa since 2015 by offering a space for young artists who still don’t know (or choose not to know) exactly where they are headed. Working from self-management and the circular economy, El Corralito hopes to be a starting point, or at least a place from which progress means more than a simple roll of the dice.

Its association with the TNT began in 2020, and each year it supports two or three creative processes that are presented as part of the festival. The selection is based on three criteria. One, they are pieces by creators with little experience (which goes back to the idea of ​dice). Two, they are growing projects, that can benefit from a summer residency at El Corralito. And three, they relate to the thematic or methodological urgencies that in one way or another connect the pieces on show at each edition of the TNT.

In Spooky, María Jurado struggles with the self, but rather than being out of sight, she stands right in front of the camera to embody a theatrical film with an artesanal aesthetic that shows how little is needed to be surrounded by the hypnotic atmosphere of a giallo. Nothing is explicit, and so it is our gaze that fills in the blanks. Through a collective creation in which space, lighting, sound and visuals go hand in hand, we are placed in a mindset where projections and confusions about identity and the individual converge. After all, why do we need to concoct movie out of things in order to understand them?

Direction: María Jurado + Co-creation with the entire team
Co-creation: Macarena Bielski López
Interpretation: María Jurado and Macarena Bielski
Sound space and musical composition: Nina Emocional
Lighting and stage space design: David Corral
Design and visual creation: Manuel Pita-Romero
Costume Design: 3formas
Production: Maria Jurado and David Corral.
Artistic accompaniment: María Jerez

Co-production: Antic Teatre – Barcelona

Support for artistic residencies: Graner – Barcelona; Réplika Teatro – Madrid; TenerifeLAV – Tenerife; Corralito CCA – Terrassa; Festival TNT – Terrassa; L’Estruch – Sabadell. 

Thanks to Maca, Nina, David, Manu, Irene and María Jerez, for the trust and work. To Roberto Fratini. To Guillem Jiménez. To Réplika Teatro’s family.


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